OCT 27th Slog.
Welcome to the second update of my SLOG! I just read my previous post before and I can’t believe how many things have changed in such a short time. In my previous post I was an exchange student who had arrived two weeks late to classes and had very little to no knowledge of anything related to the course, now I can at least say I know a thing or two about the DrRacket programming language. For quizzes I’ve have found class instructions to be sufficient most times, however, just for safe measure I also do the practice exercises from the course website. I did a bit worse than I expected in some of the quizzes but looking at the PDFs I realized that apparently using blue pen in lieu of black subtracted marks, something I will take into account for the next Wednesday quizzes. I can’t think of anything I am particularly proud of creating because, to be honest, I have let my imagination free, I first want to learn the tools available at my disposal before going full on to own projec...