
Showing posts from October, 2017

OCT 27th Slog.

Welcome to the second update of my SLOG! I just read my previous post before and I can’t believe how many things have changed in such a short time. In my previous post I was an exchange student who had arrived two weeks late to classes and had very little to no knowledge of anything related to the course, now I can at least say I know a thing or two about the DrRacket programming language. For quizzes I’ve have found class instructions to be sufficient most times, however, just for safe measure I also do the practice exercises from the course website. I did a bit worse than I expected in some of the quizzes but looking at the PDFs I realized that apparently using blue pen in lieu of black subtracted marks, something I will take into account for the next Wednesday quizzes. I can’t think of anything I am particularly proud of creating because, to be honest, I have let my imagination free, I first want to learn the tools available at my disposal before going full on to own projec...

Oct 6th Slog

I had always wanted to take a computer science course. Unfortunately, this was possible neither in my high school nor in my college. I decided to use my semestre abroad experience to seize the opportunity to learn how basic problems can be solved through computation, and thus, enrolling into CSC 104 was the natural choice to make. To me, basic computer programming or even using a logical thought process is paramount to making rational decisions. At the end of the course, I expect to have at least an idea of how programming works, what applications could it be used for and what kind of problems I can solve this way. Before this course, the only, albeit little, experience I had was some programming in Java that I had taught myself via Youtube tutorials so while I could understand the basic notions such as the use of annotations, parenthesis and semi colons, I still don't fully grasp programming itself, let alone on a new language as we use in Dr. Racket. Also, since I made my way i...